Redmi K70 Ultra is set to make its debut this month, as Xiaomi revealed on its Weibo page. The official teaser provided a glimpse, but today’s full reveal showcases the device from every angle. The Xiaomi Redmi K70 Ultra promises several cosmetic upgrades over its predecessors, the Redmi K70 and K70 Pro, such as a new lens shape and a grippier power button, while maintaining a flat frame and subtly curved front and back.
One of the key specs announced is the powerful Dimensity 9300+ chipset, alongside a cutting-edge 3D heat dissipation solution that effectively lowers the chip’s temperature by up to 3°C. Interestingly, the resolution is slightly downgraded to 1220p (1.5K) from the K70 Pro’s QHD+ display. However, the new panel, developed in collaboration with TCL, supports a smooth 120 fps.
As we await the official launch date, excitement builds around the Redmi K70 Ultra, Xiaomi’s first smartphone to feature this innovative display technology.