Realme 13 Pro and Pro+ are set to launch in India on July 30, as confirmed by Realme last week. The Realme 13 Pro and Pro+ will feature impressive 50MP Sony LYTIA sensors, promising exceptional photography experiences. While details about the complete camera setups are still awaited, Realme has revealed that the Pro+ will boast a “dual main camera system.” This includes a 50MP primary camera with Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) using the Sony LYT-701 sensor and a 50MP periscope telephoto unit with 3x optical zoom utilizing the Sony LYT-600 sensor. Notably, these cameras have passed the TUV Rheinland High Resolution Camera Certification, ensuring top-notch performance.
The Realme 13 Pro series showcases a unique design created in partnership with the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston. The phones will be available in three stunning colors: Emerald Green, Monet Gold, and Monet Purple. The latter two colors are inspired by the famous French painter Oscar-Claude Monet’s masterpieces “Haystacks” and “Water Lilies.”
Stay tuned for more updates as Realme is expected to reveal additional details about the Realme 13 Pro series in the coming days.