Google is gearing up to unveil its highly anticipated Pixel Watch 3 at an upcoming hardware launch event on August 13. Recent developments have revealed that the smartwatch has successfully passed through the FCC certification process, marking a significant step towards its official release. This certification includes both the standard Pixel Watch 3 and a larger variant, the Pixel Watch 3 XL, offering consumers a choice between two size options for the first time.
The smaller version of the Pixel Watch 3 is expected to measure 41mm, while the larger model will come in at 45mm. Both sizes will feature LTE connectivity and support for Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology, enhancing their functionality beyond traditional smartwatches. Additionally, standard features such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS, and NFC are set to be included, ensuring comprehensive connectivity options for users.
According to details revealed in the FCC certification, the Pixel Watch 3 maintains a design continuity with its predecessors, the Pixel Watch and Pixel Watch 2. Leaked renders suggest a familiar aesthetic, emphasizing Google’s signature style in wearable technology. Notably, the 41mm variant is rumored to house a 307 mAh battery, marginally larger than its predecessor, the Pixel Watch 2.
With FCC certification completed, Google’s Pixel Watch 3 is on track for its scheduled launch and subsequent availability in the market next month. Enthusiasts can anticipate an official unveiling soon, promising advanced features and enhanced user experience in the realm of smartwatches.
This news provides a comprehensive overview of the latest developments surrounding the Google Pixel Watch 3, ensuring readers are informed about its imminent arrival and key features. Stay tuned for more updates as the launch date approaches.